Yogurt Brands

Types of Yogurt
1.  Set Style or Balkan Styled Yogurt
Set-style yogurt has a thick texture. It is manufactured by pouring the warm cultured milk mixture into containers and then incubated without further stirring giving it a firm custard jello look. Also called by some coagulated yogurt.

2. Swiss or Stirred Yogurt

This type of yogurt is probably the most common and is thinner than set yogurt. The warm cultured milk texture is incubated in a large vat and cooled. The mixture is finally stirred to give a creamy texture.Sometimes called whipped Yogurt.

3. Strained or Greek Style Yogurt
Greek style yogurt is generally much thicker and creamier than the other two types. It is made from milk that has had some of the water removed or by straining whey from plain yogurt. It tends to hold up better than regular yogurt when heated which makes it perfect for using in cooking

BRANDS of Yogurt
Here are some brands you will find in Singapore. (I will review them and rate them in future)

1. Marigold
2. Yoplait
3. Swiss Emmi
4. Dairy Farmers
5. Vishnu
6. Carrefour
7. Nestle
9. Meiji
10. Pauls
11. Lemnos
12. Alvas
13. Bulba
14. Medow Fresh
15. Farmers Union