Home-made Yogurt - The Steps

Basically there are 4 steps to do homemade yogurt.

Step 1: Heat up your milk at 85 C for 15 to 30 minutes
Step 2: Cool millk down to 45 C
Step 3: Place yogurt starter into the cooled milk
Step 4: Maintain the temp of the cool milk between 40C to 45C for 8 - 12 hours

After this, you will have homemade yogurt. Due to time, I have not provided my method in detail. But be sure it will be posted later.
Different people on the web have shown how with different methods.
I shall provide you the links here. (PS: I will rate the websites later )

Website Links
1.  Wikihow 
Good website that teaches you how to make homemade yogurt. Lots of text, pictures and videos.
Link: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Yogurt 

2. Chetday.com
shows how but mainly text. I have added this as it show you certain information not posted in other websites.
Link: http://chetday.com/howtomakeyogurt.htm

3. Makeyourownyogurt.com
Good website that details how to make your own yogurt step by step using pictures

3. Ehow

Link:  http://www.ehow.com/how_2254552_yogurt-home-simple-way.html

4. About.com
Good information show step and method, with full text and even a Video
Link: http://video.about.com/greekfood/Make-Yogurt-at-Home.htm

5. Food that nourish

Some good information for example how to rescue your failed yogurt.
Link: http://foodthatnourishes.blogspot.com/2008/06/making-yogurt-how-to-make-yogurt-at.html

You Tube Links

1.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm6NArYuK90&feature=related
2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BK7VIvMLSc&feature=related
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5g6Nk9rPEQ&feature=related

These steps and methods may not suit all, you need to experiment with them, thats the fun thing about making your own yogurt. I am sure you will find your own steps and methods to make your favourite yogurt.